Sometimes, maybe you want to merge >7000 vcf files/samples into one big VCF file with bcftools merge
, for example PMRP have 20,000 samples/vcf files:
bcftools merge -l merge.txt -Oz -o merge.vcf.gz
if the sample counts <1021, everything is okay. However, if it is >= 1021, bcftools merge will reports:
[E::hts_idx_load3] Could not load local index file '229209.fstl1.vcf.gz.tbi'
Failed to open 229209.fstl1.vcf.gz: could not load index
Okay. Here is my final solution developed based on WouterDeCoste’s post. I hope it is helpful. One of my friends told me his computer allowed merging 7000 VCF at one time. I am not sure whether it is caused by a specific file operating setting.
ls *.vcf.gz | split -l 500 - subset_vcfs
for i in subset_vcfs*;
bcftools merge -0 -l $i -Oz -o merge.$i.vcf.gz;
tabix -p vcf merge.$i.vcf.gz
ls merge.*.vcf.gz > merge.txt
bcftools merge -l merge.txt -0 -Oz -o all_merged.vcf.gz
bcftools annotate -x INFO,^FORMAT/GT all_merged.vcf.gz -Oz -o Final.vcf.gz
-0 is to set missing to reference
Another example I want to share as the following: Project Exome-sequencing:
1, rename WP files to -a files
use strict;
my @file=glob("WP_*.gz");
foreach my $file(@file){
print "$file\t$id\n";
system("cp $file $id-a.filtered.vcf.gz")
2, the file name is not exactly same with sample id for the vcf. What’s more, vcfs are from to project
rm sample.txt
for i in `ls *.vcf.gz`
echo $i
#bcftools index -f -t $i
bcftools query -l $i >> sample.txt
3, sampleid is too long, rename the sample id
use strict;
use Cwd;
chdir getcwd;
my $file="sample.txt";
open F, $file || die "cannot open $file\n";
my $file=$_;
if($id =~/-a/){
my ($name,undef)=split/-/,$id;
print "$id $name\n";
my (undef,$name,undef)=split/_/,$id;
print "$id $name\n";
4, sometimes, the computer have limited ulimit
setting, you cannot merge too many samples at the same time. Here, I showed the solution to merge every 200 files and finally we will merge 7000 samples.
ls *.vcf.gz | split -l 200 - subset_vcfs
for i in subset_vcfs*;
echo $i
bcftools merge -0 -l $i -Oz -o merge.$i.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf merge.$i.vcf.gz
ls merge.*.vcf.gz > merge.txt
bcftools merge -l merge.txt -0 -Oz -o all_merged.vcf.gz
bcftools annotate -x INFO,^FORMAT/GT all_merged.vcf.gz -Oz -o Final.vcf.gz